The 5 character traits of every successful soccer player

The 5 character traits of every successful soccer player
All elite players have different styles and personalities, but they ALL have the same 5 traits.

What does it take to make an elite, world-class young player?

Not just a skilled player, but the type of player who competes in top leagues across Europe and the US, and who beams with pride when they're asked to play with their country’s flag on their kit?

We always say it's a simple science. You can't just hope for the best.

Luckily, we can tell you the exact traits that all successful young players have, because we've worked with so many of them. 

The 5 Traits Of Every Successful Young Player

1. Focus. That means the ability to limit distractions (like harmful screen time and negative habits) so that they can give their 100% attention to their training, even if they're just having fun with the ball.

2. The learning mindset. That means listening to coaches, taking feedback on board and then using that to make small, marginal gains to their skills week-on-week. Great players don't ignore feedback or think they know it all. They trust expertise. 

3. Patience. That means the ability to not get frustrated when positive things don't happen straight away, but instead keep training consistently and enjoying the process.

4. Work ethic. This is the simplest one, but maybe the most important. Every single player who you see competing at the top level is a hard worker. No ifs, no buts, no compromises. You simply don't succeed in this game if you're lazy. It doesn't happen.

5. Teamwork. Team players go the furthest. Even the most skilful players understand that they're nothing without their team. Good team players are the type of people that coaches, clubs and academies want to develop and keen around for the long haul. Trust us.

And the best thing about all of these character traits? Anyone can develop them. They come from inside, not from the club you play for, the kit you have, or the resources you have available.

The things that elite coaches look for are much simpler than you think. They look for players who are willing to work on themselves without shortcuts or easy wins. We can guarantee this: all of your favourite pro players will have worked on these traits in their career. Otherwise, they wouldn't have made it.

And because we know how important those traits are, we used them as the building blocks for our training app.

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